Business Units

26-03-2024 | read

Holi 2024 was celebrated in Darlipali STPS with much fervor in Darlipali STPS.

Celebrations began early this morning with the senior officials thronging the HoP Bungalow and exchanging greetings.

HoP Darlipali Sh. H.N. Chakraborty and Smt. Madhumita Chakraborty, President Abhilasha Ladies Club hosted a grand gathering at their bungalow. GMs, HODs, CMO, Principal BBPS, and other senior officials adorned in scintillating attires enjoyed the lively gathering.

Following that, the dignitaries were escorted with the loud 'dhol' beats to the cheerful celebrations in the Shubhrajyotinagar Township. From 'gulaal' to color balloons; from 'gujias' to water sprinklers, DEWA and Star Galaxy had arranged them all.

Earlier yesterday, 'Holika Dahan' ceremony was organized in the township according to the customs and rituals. Mr. & Mrs. Chakraborty and other dignitaries completed the Puja and prayed for the well-being of all. This was followed by Prasada Distribution.

Darlipali family wishes everyone a vivid and safe Holi. May the colors of peace and happiness keep glittering everyone's life.

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